Building Webrtc For Mac

  пятница 06 марта

Apr 20, 2016  webrtc-everywhere is an open source project (with business-friendly license) to add support for WebRTC features to Safari (Windows and MAC OSX) and Internet Explorer (Windows). MAC OSX; Windows; Online samples. The following samples use our adapter.js and could be tested on Safari and Internet Explorer (off course they also work on Firefox and Chrome). I was successfully built for IOS on the same Mac using the src/webrtc/build/ios/ script. I tried to build AppRTCDemo, getting below error ninja -C.

These cross platform build scripts automate the hard work of building and packaging WebRTC. Big thanks to @vsimon for laying the foundation for these scripts.

Supported platforms

  • OSX: Homebrew recommend. Build for 'mac' and 'ios'.
  • Windows: Visual Studio Community 2015 Update 3 or newerwith a bash shell such as Git for Windows or MSYSinstalled.
  • Linux: Debian or Ubuntu flavour with apt-get available. Build for 'linux' and 'android'.


To build the latest version of WebRTC just type:

Or with options:

The output packages will be saved to {OUTDIR}/webrtcbuilds-<rev>-<sha>-<target-os>-<target-cpu>.<ext>, where <rev> is the revision number of the commit, <sha> is the short git SHAof the commit, and <target-os>-<target-cpu> is the OS (linux, mac, win) and CPU (x64, x86) of the target environment.

On Windows 7-Zip is used for compressing packages, which produces vastly superiour output file size. On mac and linux the output file is tar.gz.

Running tests

Once you have compiled the libraries you can run a quick compile test to ensure build integrity:

Further reading

The following links point to official WebRTC related documentation:

These cross platform build scripts make it a pinch to build and package WebRTC.Just run the scripts and sit back while the hard work is done for you.

Supported platforms

  • OSX: Homebrew recommend. Build for 'mac' and 'ios'.
  • Windows: Visual Studio Community 2015 Update 3 or newerwith a bash shell such as Git for Windows or MSYSinstalled.
  • Linux: Debian or Ubuntu flavour with apt-get available. Build for 'linux' and 'android'.


To build the latest version of WebRTC just type:

Or with options:

The output packages will be saved to {OUTDIR}/webrtcbuilds-<rev>-<sha>-<target-os>-<target-cpu>.<ext>, where <rev> is the revision number of the commit, <sha> is the short git SHAof the commit, and <target-os>-<target-cpu> is the OS (linux, mac, win) and CPU (x64, x86) of the target environment.

Download excel qm version 5.2 for mac

On Windows 7-Zip is used for compressing packages, which produces vastly superiour output file size. On mac and linux the output file is tar.gz.

Running tests

Once you have compiled the libraries you can run a quick compile test to ensure build integrity:

Further reading

The following links point to official WebRTC related documentation: