Enable Xbox 360 Controller Rumble Dolphin For Mac Os X

  суббота 07 марта

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Jan 16, 2016  It’s an open source project that allows us to play Nintendo Gamecube and Wii games on modern hardware. Math input panel download for mac. Dolphin is available for Windows, OS X and Linux. I have a wireless Xbox 360 controller for Windows at my disposal, but the only Windows hardware I have is the first generation Surface Pro. Apparently, OS X Mavericks (which is a free update for anyone running 10.6 Snow Leopard or later) has built-in driver support for the DualShock 3. I realize this controller is not a prevalent with the PC gaming crowd, but I can confirm that by merely plugging in my DS3 to my MBA via USB, it just works. Every game I tested maps it as a 360.

i saw ppl were asking how to get the rumble and both triggers working on the 360 controllers, so today i downloaded the DXSDK, learned XInput, and made this simple input plugin.
holy crap XInput is SO easy to program, I cant believe that MS could make something work so well, if only the controllers were bluetooth and i didnt have to have this stupid $30 dongle plugged in. lol
right now there is no configuration, next version will have that, but i think i got the controls set pretty good for now.
A = A and Y
B = B and X
C Buttons = Right Analog
Z Trigger = LT
R Trigger = RT
L Trigger = LB
Supports 4 Xbox 360 Controllers Wired or Wireless with Default Microsoft Drivers
Rumble and Both Triggers work separately
i attached the file, lets see if it shows up,
other wise i'll have to edit the post or somethin
edit ok here is a link to download
ok new version v0.2
fixed the axis bug
Enable xbox 360 controller rumble dolphin for mac os x 10
07-07-2011, 12:26 AM
My problem is that Dolphin is not recognizing the rumble motors in my Xbox 360 controller. Everything else works just fine, I just really want rumble support on my Xbox controller. I checked my driver and the rumble works on it, in fact, I have rumble support of my other emulators like sixtyforce.
When I go to configure my GC gamepad I can configure all of my controls, but when I click on the rumble motor section there are no motors to select and I cannot configure the rumble!
I read online that some people say that in certain versions of dolphin it works, if so which ones, I was using r7589, I just downloaded 3.0 both of which rumble does not work! Im running Mac OSX btw