Install Socket For Python In Mac

  воскресенье 09 февраля

In my opinion, the hardware requirements may differ, depending on what are you planning to do. Warning: the numbers presented here are not 100% precise. They are just feelings, since that almost everyone have a good machine nowadays, and it’s diff.

Being a software engineer, you often come across many instances where you would require to have Python installed on your Mac.

However, the issue is most modern macOS versions come with rather with Python 2.7.x installed and not the newer, modern version like Python 3.6.5 or Python 3.7.2 (which is the most up-to-date version right now).

This short guide is written to show you how to properly install Python 3 on a Mac OS Xcomputer.

Before you jump into the guide, do take note that there are multiple ways to install Python 3 on a Mac but with this guide, I’ll show you the two easiest ways to do this, step-by-step.

Personally, the way I did it was using a package manager like HomeBrew (it’s okay if you don’t understand what it is). Again, I’ll show you how to do this method down below.

Wait, how do I check if Python 3 is already installed on my Mac?

Simple. Open up your Terminal and type the following line python --version and then hit your Enter key:

You should see the python version that is currently installed on your Mac.

How to Install Python 3 on macOS: 2 Ways

1. The Simplest Way.

Perhaps the simplest way to install Python 3 on macOS.

This is for you especially if you’re a newbie (though I still strongly recommend you try the HomeBrew method below) or if you don’t want to deal with copy-pasting code into your Terminal and downloading other software.

Here’s how to install Python 3 on your macOS:

  1. Jump into downloads page and simply just download the latest Python version.
  1. Next, run the Python Installer to install Python 3 onto your Mac.


The Python installation may require about 100MB of disk space to install. Once you’ve installed Python 3 you can have it alongside Python 2 without having to delete the latter from your Mac.

  1. Great! Now once Python 3 is installed, you’ll be able to find it within the Applications directory of your Mac. You’ll also find here a simple IDE called “” which gives you a basic Python IDE.
Help! Where do I find the Applications directory?

If you can’t find the Applications directory, simply go to Finder by clicking the Finder icon in the Dock (it’s usually the first icon from the left side of the Dock). From there simply, go to the Go menu and select Applications.

Done. If you got yourself lost through the process, you can comment down below.

Next up, I’ll show you how you can install Python 3 using HomeBrew onto your macOS. This is my preferred way and it is just as simple as the method before but it will make your life a whole lot simpler, in the long run, using Python.

2. Install Python 3 on Mac using HomeBrew.

This method is dead-ass simple and a little fun. 🙂

First of all, you’ll need to have this thing called HomeBrew installed on your Mac. Homebrew is basically a “package manager”. A package manager is an application that helps you install the stuff you need that Apple (or even your Linux System) hadn’t installed in the first place for you.

It’s simple, fast and safe.

Second, you will need to have installed XCode onto your Mac. If you’re thinking of learning how to program or creating iOS apps on your Mac, then it’s good to have XCode installed. We will be using XCode to install HomeBrew application.


If you have already installed XCode onto your Mac you can skip step 1 and jump straight to step 3.

Here are the steps to install XCode, HomeBrew as well as install Python 3 using HomeBrew onto your Mac:

  1. Jump into your Terminal app on your Mac and run the copy/paste the following command into the Terminal to install XCode onto your Mac:
  2. Simply click through all the confirmation crap that XCode shows. It may take a little while to install XCode since it is a large program.
  3. Great! Now that you have XCode installed, you can install HomeBrew! To install HomeBrew, simply copy/paste the following command into your Terminal:


You can confirm the HomeBrew installed correctly by running the command: below:

  1. You’ve installed HomeBrew! Now let’s install the Python 3, the reason why you’re here. To install the latest version of Python, just copy/paste the following command into your Terminal:


Install python 2.7 mac

You can confirm which version of Python was installed all by running the command below (the exact same command you tried earlier in this guide). It should show up as follows:

  1. Finally, let’s run our new Python 3. Simply enter python3.

Voila! You have now installed Python 3 successfully if you see something similar in your Terminal:


If you want to exit, type exit() and then hit your Return button on your keyboard. You can also hit both Control and D keys at the same time instead of the Return key.

Remember I mentioned you can run both your new Python 3 alongside your old Python 2? Yup. Simply type python into the Terminal to run with Python 2.

Share this guide with someone who’s looking to install Python 3 on macOS.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Docker Desktop for Mac is the Community version of Docker for Mac.You can download Docker Desktop for Mac from Docker Hub.

By downloading Docker Desktop, you agree to the terms of the Docker Software End User License Agreement and the Docker Data Processing Agreement.

What to know before you install

README FIRST for Docker Toolbox and Docker Machine users

If you are already running Docker on your machine, first readDocker Desktop for Mac vs. Docker Toolbox to understand theimpact of this installation on your existing setup, how to set your environmentfor Docker Desktop on Mac, and how the two products can coexist.

Relationship to Docker Machine: Installing Docker Desktop on Mac does not affect machines you created with Docker Machine. You have the option to copy containers and images from your local default machine (if one exists) to the Docker Desktop HyperKit VM. Whenyou are running Docker Desktop, you do not need Docker Machine nodes running locally (or anywhere else). With Docker Desktop, you have a new, nativevirtualization system running (HyperKit) which takes the place of theVirtualBox system. To learn more, see Docker Desktop for Mac vs. Docker Toolbox.

System requirements

Your Mac must meet the following requirements to successfully install Docker Desktop: Panasonic kx p2123 printer.

  • Mac hardware must be a 2010 or a newer model, with Intel’s hardware support for memory management unit (MMU) virtualization, including Extended Page Tables (EPT) and Unrestricted Mode. You can check to see if your machine has this support by running the following command in a terminal: sysctl kern.hv_support

    If your Mac supports the Hypervisor framework, the command prints kern.hv_support: 1.

  • macOS must be version 10.13 or newer. That is, Catalina, Mojave, or High Sierra. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of macOS.

    If you experience any issues after upgrading your macOS to version 10.15, you must install the latest version of Docker Desktop to be compatible with this version of macOS.

    Note: Docker supports Docker Desktop on the most recent versions of macOS. That is, the current release of macOS and the previous two releases. Docker Desktop currently supports macOS Catalina, macOS Mojave, and macOS High Sierra.

    As new major versions of macOS are made generally available, Docker stops supporting the oldest version and support the newest version of macOS (in addition to the previous two releases).

  • At least 4 GB of RAM.

  • VirtualBox prior to version 4.3.30 must not be installed as it is not compatible with Docker Desktop.

What’s included in the installer

The Docker Desktop installation includes Docker Engine, Docker CLI client, Docker Compose, Notary, Kubernetes, and Credential Helper.

Install and run Docker Desktop on Mac

  1. Double-click Docker.dmg to open the installer, then drag the Docker icon to the Applications folder.

  2. Double-click in the Applications folder to start Docker. (In the example below, the Applications folder is in “grid” view mode.)

    You are prompted to authorize with your system password after you launch it. Privileged access is needed to install networking components and links to the Docker apps.

    The Docker menu in the top status bar indicates that Docker Desktop is running, and accessible from a terminal.

    If you just installed the app, you also get a message with suggested next steps and a link to the documentation. Click the Docker menu () in the status bar to dismiss this pop-up notification.

  3. Click the Docker menu () to seePreferences and other options.

  4. Select About Docker to verify that you have the latest version.

Congratulations! You are now successfully running Docker Desktop.

Uninstall Docker Desktop

To unistall Docker Desktop from your Mac:

  1. From the Docker menu, select Troubleshoot and then select Uninstall.
  2. Click Uninstall to confirm your selection.

Note: Uninstalling Docker Desktop will destroy Docker containers and images local to the machine and remove the files generated by the application.

Switch between Stable and Edge versions

Docker Desktop allows you to switch between Stable and Edge releases. However, you can only have one version of Docker Desktop installed at a time. Switching between Stable and Edge versions can destabilize your development environment, particularly in cases where you switch from a newer (Edge) channel to an older (Stable) channel.

For example, containers created with a newer Edge version of Docker Desktop maynot work after you switch back to Stable because they may have been createdusing Edge features that aren’t in Stable yet. Keep this in mind asyou create and work with Edge containers, perhaps in the spirit of a playgroundspace where you are prepared to troubleshoot or start over.

To safely switch between Edge and Stable versions, ensure you save images and export the containers you need, then uninstall the current version before installing another. For more information, see the section Save and Restore data below.

Save and restore data

You can use the following procedure to save and restore images and container data. Appcleaner download for mac os x. For example, if you want to switch between Edge and Stable, or to reset your VM disk:

  1. Use docker save -o images.tar image1 [image2 ..] to save any images you want to keep. See save in the Docker Engine command line reference.

  2. Use docker export -o myContainner1.tar container1 to export containers you want to keep. See export in the Docker Engine command line reference.

  3. Uninstall the current version of Docker Desktop and install a different version (Stable or Edge), or reset your VM disk.

  4. Use docker load -i images.tar to reload previously saved images. See load in the Docker Engine.

  5. Use docker import -i myContainer1.tar to create a filesystem image corresponding to the previously exported containers. See import in the Docker Engine.

For information on how to back up and restore data volumes, see Backup, restore, or migrate data volumes.

Where to go next

  • Getting started provides an overview of Docker Desktop on Mac, basic Docker command examples, how to get help or give feedback, and links to other topics about Docker Desktop on Mac.
  • Troubleshooting describes common problems, workarounds, howto run and submit diagnostics, and submit issues.
  • FAQs provide answers to frequently asked questions.
  • Release notes lists component updates, new features, andimprovements associated with Stable releases. For information about Edge releases, see Edge releasenotes.
  • Get started with Docker provides a general Docker tutorial.
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